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Acute Stress Disorder Treatment Center in Atlanta, GA

Stress is a primary contributor to health problems in the U.S. Acute stress is a different type of stress. If you have recently gone through or witnessed a traumatic event, you might develop symptoms of acute stress disorder (ASD). However, if trauma is addressed promptly, treatment is usually straightforward. At our acute stress disorder treatment center in Atlanta, GA, we offer specialized services to move past the pain of the past effectively.

The impact of this trauma can be severe, and if not treated, ASD can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In this article

What Makes Acute Stress Different?

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is a psychological reaction to trauma that can result in lasting mental health issues if not treated. The symptoms associated with ASD can be disabling and disrupt daily life.

Acute stress disorder can develop following one or multiple traumatic events. The causes of ASD are complex. It’s often linked to a person’s response to exposure or expecting trauma. 

Acute Stress Disorder Treatment Center

ASD Risk Factors

A disturbing event can leave anyone affected by ASD, but it is especially likely in certain people. A medical or mental health professional can help identify if it’s acute or other symptoms indicating a different mental illness.

These events can include prior trauma, substance abuse issues, a lack of support, and other events that make it hard to be resilient. It further impacts their ability to function day-to-day. 

Some examples of stress triggers can be:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Violence
  • Injury, intentional or unintentional
  • Natural disasters and the aftermath

Acute stress disorder may be more likely if you have experienced poverty, homelessness, violence, abuse, or life-threatening events. A past series of hardships makes an individual more susceptible to developing this without strategies to manage the triggers that affect living life.

Is PTSD the Same as Acute Stress Disorder?

Shared characteristics: Acute stress disorder (ASD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are two conditions that can occur after a stressful or traumatic event.

Differences: ASD is a reaction that occurs after a traumatic event. It’s typical for ASD symptoms to last for weeks. PTSD is a long-term condition that also arises from trauma. Symptoms lasting longer than a month may indicate the presence of PTSD.

The symptoms of ASD and PTSD can be pretty similar, including:

  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Heightened sensitivity to stress and recurring memories of the event
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating and staying focused 

Recognizing Acute Stress Disorder in a Loved One

This anxiety disorder usually shows signs within a month after the event. The markers of the symptoms can indicate it’s ASD or a similar condition.

There are five categories of ASD, as defined by the DSM-5: Avoidance, arousal, dissociative, numbness, and distress displayed in many ways.

People with ASD might also:

  • Stay away from others
  • Avoid showing feelings, detachment 
  • Experience intrusive memories
  • Feel like they’re in a dream or things aren’t real
  • Relive the event
  • Struggle to focus
  • Experience insomnia 
  • Have a higher level of awareness or anxiety

It can also lead to feeling scared, filled with worry, helpless, hurting oneself, or being in dangerous situations. 

At The Summit Wellness Group, our mental illness and addiction treatment center is unlike any other rehab. Beyond our modern, uplifting facility, our dual diagnosis approach sets us apart. 

We handle co-occurring disorders at once for lasting recovery. Se f-medicating to gain relief from the control of the disease with drugs or alcohol is frequent. This leads to more problems if a substance use disorder (SUD) is nurtured.

Will Treatment for Acute Stress Disorder Work?

The good news is that this mental health condition is treatable with different methods. The sooner you or a loved one seek help, the better. Recovering from trauma is possible.

Seeking treatment for acute stress disorder can be a crucial and beneficial choice after experiencing a traumatic event. It can help reduce distressing symptoms and improve self-esteem. You learn coping skills for the real world you take with you.

A well-designed treatment typically involves therapy, medications, and alternative holistic treatments. This anxiety disorder can resemble others, but it is also very unique.

Acute Stress Disorder Treatment Center

Is Acute Stress Disorder a Common Mental Health Disorder?

6 to 33% of individuals who go through a traumatic event may develop ASD. 33% of the people involved in mass shootings will experience signs of short-term condition. 

Shootings, traumatic brain injury, and targeted violence are the top stressors that trigger ASD.

Does Everyone Develop ASD after a Traumatic Event?

ASD rates differ in trauma-exposed populations, varying across studies and types of trauma. 19 of the individuals who go through an event are affected. 

Higher ASD rates occur depending on the type of trauma. 

  • After a car accident, ASD estimates range from 13% to 21% 
  • After brain injury, it’s around 14%
  • Assault can increase up to 24%, while rape has the highest at 59%

What Makes The Summit Wellness Group’s Recovery Program Successful?

Finding care for more general mental illness can be hard enough. A recovery center that fully understands the nature of ASD will provide the attentive care it requires. 

Our vibrant and modern stress disorder treatment center offers various services and therapies.

Some quality signals to look for in acute stress disorder treatment can include:

  • You can spot a 5/5 facility quickly. Successful clients sharing their stories are a true testament to the power of our rehab. 
  • Personalized acute stress disorder care
  • Select a treatment program that meets your needs, including any drug or alcohol dependency.
  • We only use tailored care with a 2:1 client-to-staff ratio, ensuring true individual attention.

Thorough Aftercare 
Recovery is an ongoing process. The real test begins as you transition to daily life. The potential for reverting to old behaviors can be significant in the early stages, where hypervigilance is vital.

Your mental health treatment aftercare will provide resources and activities supporting early recovery and deter relapse.

Exceptional Team and Accreditation
Licensed in Georgia, our treatment center boasts various industry credentials. We maintain our Joint Commission accreditation, which underscores our safety and the quality of care we give.

Behind it all is our team of dedicated professionals. They are some of the industry’s finest clinicians.

Our Acute Stress Disorder Treatment Services

A treatment program for acute stress disorder often involves extensive psychotherapy. The primary goal is to promote independence. 

Your custom treatment plan reflects your specific needs. When you arrive, our behavioral health and medical clinicians conduct a complete assessment of your mental and substance use background to give you the proper treatment options.

Our programs include engaging evidence-based therapy sessions led by our licensed therapists with other onsite alternative interventions to teach coping skills and build self-confidence.

We utilize top psychotherapy methods like:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) 
  • Brain “mind” mapping

Besides group therapy, family sessions, and individual therapy, clients can explore alternative therapy methods.

Holistic rehab complements our evidence-based therapies for personal growth. Holistic methods rebuild your sense of sense alongside psychotherapy.

Our wellness therapies include:

  • Massage therapy
  • Nutrition wellness classes
  • Personalized chiropractic care
  • Creative expression like painting, sculpture, and music therapy

Take Back Control from Acute Stress Disorder

You are more than events that were out of your control. You can regain your sense of self through customized care. You can heal from this and live without trauma and triggers following you into the future.

Contact us today for more information by submitting our request form or calling (770) 746-4184. Your life can be yours again.

You Aren’t Alone

We’re Here To Help

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We’d love the opportunity to help you during this overwhelming and difficult process. Our sincere passion is helping people recover so that they can live full, meaningful, and healthy lives.

Call us 24/7 at 770-299-1677. If we aren’t the right fit for you then we’ll utilize our expertise and connections within the treatment industry to assist you in finding the best provider for your specific needs. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form and a member of our staff will contact you shortly.